Hearing loss treatment
Think you have hearing loss? Here’s what you should do.
Though hearing loss is not reversible, most cases are easily treatable.
What to do if you have hearing loss
You can start with your doctor or general practitioner (GP), who will most likely refer you to a hearing healthcare professional. Or, you can go directly to a hearing healthcare professional, like an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor), audiologist or hearing aid specialist.
The goal is to find a professional who specializes in hearing: someone who has the equipment, training and expertise to thoroughly evaluate your hearing and work with you to develop a personalized treatment solution.
See someone as soon as possible
Experts also recommend you treat hearing loss sooner rather than later. Study after study have linked untreated hearing loss to an array of issues like depression, anxiety, increased risk of falls and hospitalizations, and even dementia1. Also, the longer you live with impaired hearing, the longer and harder it will be to recover once treatment starts.
Insist on a tailored treatment solution
Just as every person is unique, every person’s hearing needs are unique. That’s why it’s important that if you do get hearing aids, they are fit, programmed and customized to your specific hearing and lifestyle needs — and that you have access to proper follow-up and aftercare treatment.
Today’s hearing aids are miracles of modern engineering
From “invisible” solutions that fit deep inside your ear and are virtually undetectable, to wireless options that stream audio from your TV or phone, today’s hearing aids provide more natural hearing, fit more comfortably and perform more reliably than ever before.